In Taxonomies you will see list for taxonomies (category, tags …) related the post type you selected in the top. If now taxonomies related to the post then that type of fields will be hidden.

- “Multiple Selection” if selected then user will be able to select multiple terms. Available in pro version
- “Allow Add New” if selected then user will be able to insert his own tags. Available in pro version
- “Show Empty” is checked then all terms will be displayed, even if they have no posts associated with them.
- “Show hierarchically” is checked then, terms can be nested under one another, forming a parent-child relationship. Available in pro version
- “Terms To Excluded” You can specify a comma-separated term IDs that need to be excluded.
- “Default Terms” You can specify a comma-separated term IDs that will attach with post as default terms.
This is how it looks in the form