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Required Page Setup

Great! You have installed WP User Submit.

  1. The page with the sample form has already been created automatically you can it in pages that will have URL: home_url/front-user-submit-form
  2. The user dashboard page already created URL: home_url/fe-fs-user-admin

Creating pages and forms and using them is very easy and efficient with WP User Submit.  Just follow this few simple steps below:

  1. Create a Form: First you navigate to your WordPress dashboard > WP User Submit > Post Forms > Add Form. You will see lots of different form fields on the right side. Choose the one you want like post title or post description, featured image etc. Save the form and copy the shortcode.

2. Create a Page: Create a page and paste the shortcode. Publish the page.

3.View Your Form in Page: View your page in the browser. You will the page with the form you created.

That’s all.

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