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Here you will find everything about WP User Frontend, what it offers and its special features, everything in a nutshell.

It’s a Frontend Posting Plugin

Visitors to your site can register and post in your site, without switching into WordPress backend. It helps your users to publish their content on your site without any additional difficulty. You can allow your guests to edit their post, and you can always approve them before publishing on your site. Therefore you remain in the driver’s seat of your site. Also, you can receive an email notification whenever there is a new post and if any user updates or edit their post. You can approve the edited posts too.

Create Forms Once, Use Multiple Times

Create your post forms or registration forms with drag-and-drop form builder or you can choose to use a ready form template. With a unique built-in shortcode, you can use one form in multiple pages.  Just paste the shortcode if you want one single form to appear on more than one page.

One Unified Page: My Account

Using Front User Submit, you can have one account page per user which will show all the necessary information like edit profile, billing address, invoice, posts, subscription etc. To show my account page, paste the shortcode [ fe_fs_user_admin ] is on a page. It is noteworthy here, posts on this page don’t allow custom post type. This is how the page looks:


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